Artists blog – How to Write Your First blog post

how to write your first blog postWriting Your First Blog Post

For a newbie artist blogger writing the first blog post is exciting, daunting and a huge trip into the mysterious world of search engine optimisation (SEO). 

I started blogging  after I decided to go on a get fit campaign.  Walking was the best exercise for me as there was no appeal pumping iron, running or swimming. While out in the wilds I also had to to to keep my mind occupied and listened to many business podcasts as I trudged the hills and dales.  

I have been creating cartoons and other forms of artwork for as long as I can remember and all the podcasts I listened to recommended blogging about things that appeal to you most.

It was a no brainer as art is my main interest.  The thought of a cartoony based blog caught my attention and I thought I would give it a go.  It took a long time to create my first web site as I was determined to build it myself and have full control over everything.

writing your first blog postIf anyone tells you web building is simple then, unless you have a photgraphic memory and are already a techno wizard, I can assure you it’s not an easy process.  It took months and months of learning, frustration and screaming curses that would make satan blush to get a web site into some sort of shape…but it was worth it.

How do I build a web site?

I am not going to tell you how to build a web site as that would take a huge article on its own.  If you want to learn with the best tuition possible see my article on on my other site procartoon.  What I would advise you to do is to learn how to build your own even if it takes a while as you will really benefit from the knowledge in the long run even if someone else builds you first site for you while you are learning.

Which blogger template should you choose?

I won’t go into any depth about which blogger template you should use for your website as that’s down to your own personal choice and will be influenced by your chosen subject matter. However!…there are plenty of free and very good blogger templates available.  However my advice is really look hard before you commit to one and make sure the one you chose has all the facets you need.  The good news is that the theme can always be changed at a future date without too much hassle.

Sorry – I have gone a bit ‘off piste’

Let’s get back to writing your first blog post…

procartoon-on-pinterestI tend to skim read the web, particularly other art based web sites.  Pinterest is also a veritable gold mine for ideas and having signed up with Pinterest   with my other web site I found an infinite number of images and ideas.

Skimming usually gives me an angle to work on and from that I sit down and plan out the blog post.  

As a picture paints a thousand words I thought I would leave the text there and let you look at a really great infographic that I found (thanks to Pinterest).  It explains the process in full and does it really well.  It is easily applied to an art based blog and will keep you on track to producing a great content for your web site…


The Epic Content Cycle Infographic

computer-art-pad-graphic-tabletsLooking for a new graphics drawing tablet but not sure where to start?  Take a look at my reviews of graphics drawing tablets here and see what would suit your artwork and budget…